Einstein once said: “Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted.”
If there is a phenomenon in your clinical practice or clinical research that interests you and can’t have a number assigned to it, then our course is for you!
Qualitative research applies robust methods to study the ‘uncountable’ such as the patient experience of health and healthcare or how clinicians apply evidence in practice. By understanding these ‘social’ phenomena, we have an opportunity to advance clinical research and practice through the design and implementation of the right care, delivered to the right person at the right time.
Run over two half days, in this online course you will i) gain an understanding of qualitative research theory, methodology and ethics ii) develop skills in formulating a research question; recruiting and interviewing participants; analysing data and presenting findings.
You will have the option to attend an additional half day to workshop your own qualitative research project and receive mentor and peer feedback.
Dates have been locked in:
Section 1: 28th and 29th April 12-5pm
Section 2: 23rd June 12-5pm